Our Vision: Helping others reach their highest potential by encouraging, developing and equipping them for the work of service.
What is Visioneering Alaska???
It’s an overview presenting and discussing various topics related to the subjects of management and leadership. This site is not intended to be a treatise on these subjects, but rather a primer into their fascinating areas. We’ll examine together the importance of a vision, things that make us who we are, common concepts and various examples of management and leadership. Each chapter is an independent unit. However, they all link together progressing towards servant leadership, and a discussion of the ultimate servant leader. Our hope and desire is that it will ignite your interest to search more deeply into each and every topic discussed in these chapters, and that you will adopt a servant leader life style. The Epilogue is the summary and “how to do it” chapter.
Sharing insights and experiences is a key to mutual understanding. We appreciate any suggestions, recommendations or questions you care to share with us. Just click on the Contact Us chapter and we’ll respond. (Your e-mail address will be secured and confidential.)
Thanks to all those contributing input, especially to Computer Medics of Anchorage for the design of this web site and blog. Also, thanks to Chuck and Bev Buck for the beautiful photo on this welcome page of Homer Alaska.
The first chapter is Why a Vision